Epidemiology is a scientific and systematic study of the frequency, patterns, causes, and risk factors of health-related conditions and events in specific populations, and the application of these data serves in the planning and evaluation of strategies for prevention and as a guide for the treatment of patients who already developed the disease.
Etiological model
This model describes the micro- (family, peers, school, religious organisations, workplace) and macro-settings (community, environment, state, media) that influence people during their development from childhood to adulthood, and in interaction with personal characteristics make them more or less exposed to the risk of using psychoactive substances and other problematic behaviours.
Grassroots work
The work of organisations or initiatives within the local community, in close contact with interested parties; direct work on a specific problem.
Indicated prevention
Measures aimed at individuals who have risky behaviours, but (still) do not meet the diagnostic criteria for addiction.
A relationship of personal development in which a more experienced or educated person helps guide a less experienced or less educated person. A mentor can be older or younger, but has a specific area of expertise.
Non-formal education
Acquiring of practical knowledge and skills outside the formal education system. It serves as a complement to the basic knowledge through activities such as courses, seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, trainings, volunteering.
Biological, psychological and social phenomena (different definitions provide different importance to each of these segments) of compulsive and excessive use of psychoactive substances or risky behaviours despite the harmful consequences and dominance of that substance or behaviour over other aspects of life.
A theory that deals with the causes, symptoms and development of diseases, that is, which focuses on health risks and diseases.
Prevalence is the proportion of the population that has a certain characteristic in a certain period of time.
Addiction Prevention
Addiction prevention is an active process directed on the promotion of constructive lifestyles (behaviour) and norms that reduce the possibility of drug abuse, while simultaneously involving the development of a social and physical environment that facilitates the adoption of healthy lifestyles.
Psychoactive substances
Substances that after taking or bringing into the body affect mental processes i.e. influencing emotions and thought process.
The process of successful adaptation to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional and behavioural flexibility and adaptation to external and internal demands. Resilience — resistance means being able to adapt to adversities and failures in life.
Risky behaviours
Socially unacceptable behaviours that increase the likelihood of a negative health outcome in which precautions are not taken, such as speeding, unprotected sex, gambling, etc.
Risk factor
Risk factors are characteristics that, in interrelation with personal vulnerability, increase the likelihood of using psychoactive substances.
A theory that is preventively oriented to resources that will contribute to the creation and maintenance of health in people. It teaches people to acquire habits that contribute to and help health.
Selective prevention
It deals with the earliest possible detection of biological, psychological and social risk factors and tries to prevent them. It is applied to healthy people, but there are risk factors in their lives whose influence can lead to the development of addiction in the future.
A lifelong process of transferring and internalisation of culturally acceptable and appropriate attitudes, norms, beliefs and behaviours.
Social inclusion
Social inclusion is the process of improving conditions under which individuals and groups participate in society — improving the capabilities, possibilities, and dignity of those who are disadvantaged on the basis of their identity.
Health promotion
Acquiring individual knowledge, experience, skills and resources that prevent the emergence of addictive behaviour, through strengthening the personality and its autonomy. Working on health improvement and well-being of individuals or communities by enabling and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, as well as addressing fundamental underlying problems such as poverty, lack of educational possibilities and other similar areas.
Universal prevention
It tends to prevent the emergence of addiction by improving life conditions and strengthening of the personality. It is focused on the entire population and strives to encourage protective factors on structural (politics, media campaigns, institutions, infrastructure) and individual (social learning, upbringing, sensitivity) level. Its perspective is long-term.
A systematic process of decision-making or providing services that is based on scientific evidences which confirm that these processes and services consistently improve the situation in the direction of the desired outcome. Practices that are developed on the basis of the best available research, instead of that on tradition, intuition or individual observations. When it comes specifically to preventive interventions, these include those that research confirmed to be effective in the prevention of starting to use the psychoactive substances.
Protective factors
Characteristics that reduce the likelihood of using psychoactive substances.
Healthy lifestyles
Activities and habits that encourage the development of complete physical, mental and spiritual fitness and reduce the risk of serious illness or premature death.
Condition of total body, mental and social welfare, and not only the absence of disease or weakness.
Association for prevention of addiction NARKO-NE
Hermanna Gmeinera 13 and 16 (head office
Zagrebačka 18)
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina