The Strong Families preventive program is a program of the UN agency, the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), for which NARKO-NE obtained the license and has
been implementing it since 2020. It is a family skills program that supports parents/guardians
in challenging child-rearing environments and strengthens positive family functioning and
interaction. The program is evidence-based and contributes to increasing the social inclusion
of children and families at risk. Measurements have shown that the program is effective in
the way that it improves parental self-confidence and skills for adequate child care, improves
children’s behavior (reducing aggression, emotional and behavioral difficulties), increases the
capacity of parents and children to cope with stress and improving the mental health of all
family members. Thanks to these changes, the program is effective in preventing a wide
range of social and health problems, including the prevention of substance use, child and
youth violence, and crime.
Structure of the Strong Families program
First week: Preparatory session for parents/guardians (Understanding strengths and stress),
Second week: Parallel sessions for parents/guardians and children, followed by a joint family
session (Using love and boundaries, Learning about stress, Learning about each other), 2h
Third week: Parallel sessions for parents/guardians and children, followed by a joint family
session (Teaching children what is right, Respecting rules and gratitude to parents,
Supporting values and dreams), 2h
Program Goals:
Parent/guardian sessions: stress management and improving coping resources, boosting
confidence, and development of skills to develop positive parenting strategies
Children’s sessions: improvement of mental health, better stress management, reducing
risky behaviors
Family sessions: improved communication and relationships within the family, improved
mental health of the family
Participation in the program
Participation in the program requieres that parents/guardians come with one or more children
between the ages of 8 and 15 to the scheduled sessions. The session in the first week lasts
an hour and is intended for parents/guardians, while in the second and third weeks the
sessions last two hours each. For the first hour, there are parallel separate sessions for
children and sessions for parents/guardians. Immediately after the separate sessions, a joint
session for the whole family begins (children and parents/guardians join). The program offers
many games and activities that can be enjoyed by both adults and children. Participation in
the program is free.
Registration for participation in the program can be done here and is ongoing. The program
coordinator will contact all applicants and inform them about the session schedules.
Registration is also possible by the phone at 062 959 009 (Alma Hadžiskakić).
The program is carried out by experts, who have additionally received training to lead the
Strong Family Program.
Association for prevention of addiction NARKO-NE
Hermanna Gmeinera 13 and 16 (head office
Zagrebačka 18)
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina