The European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) is a science-based prevention training
curriculum for decision makers, opinion makers or policy makers at local, regional or national
level, to gain basic knowledge about the most effective preventive interventions and
evidence-based approaches. Although it is primarily intended for the education of decision-
makers, due to their role and influence on the development of the prevention system, EUPC
training is also very useful for people who deal with the issue of addiction prevention in
practical work.
It is increasingly recognized that the education of decision-makers and creators of public
opinion plays a key role and that it should be carried out before or simultaneously with the
education of practitioners. Otherwise, attempts by well-trained practitioners, such as
teachers, health workers or community development professionals, to introduce innovations
and improve preventive practice may be hindered because scientifically-based prevention is
often perceived as counterintuitive and challenging to established practice.
Many of these experts probably already know something about prevention, and with this
curriculum they will expand their knowledge. In a large number of countries, including Bosnia
and Herzegovina, preventive practices are still carried out in schools and the community,
which are rarely or never based on scientific evidence of effectiveness. In the worst cases,
poor preventive interventions can also cause harm. This training provides a concise yet
informative and practically applicable overview of topics that include: etiology and
epidemiology, school preventive interventions, family preventive interventions, preventive
interventions in the wider environment, evaluation, etc.
Who can participate in EUPC trainings?
– practitioners who have an influence on policy-making and professional development
– practitioners and leaders of non-governmental organizations involved in the implementation
of prevention
– prevention coordinators in the regional administration, public officials who develop
strategies and plan the implementation of preventive interventions at the municipal level or
other actors and coalitions in the community
The author of the EUPC curriculum is the The European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). The
manual provides a general introduction to prevention science, especially science-based
interventions. If it is used for the purpose of conducting training, the content of the EUPC
manual and associated materials may only be used by training leaders (natural or legal
persons) who have completed the training and obtained a license issued by the official EUPC
education body – EUDA. The employees of NARKO-NE, Amir Hasanović, Andrea Mijatović
and Sanela Pekić, are currently the only licensed trainers for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
NARKO-NE organizes trainings several times a year, in different parts of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and applications are opened for each training. The previous trainings were held
in Mostar, Tuzla, Sarajevo (2), Banja Luka, Travnik, Brčko, Livno and Bihać.
European prevention curriculum_Handbook
European prevention curriculum_leaflet BH
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Association for prevention of addiction NARKO-NE
Hermanna Gmeinera 13 and 16 (head office
Zagrebačka 18)
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina