Healthy working environment for all is a preventive health improvement program, based on
scientific evidence of effectiveness, created in accordance with European quality standards.
The program has been implemented in other European countries (Austria, Germany) for
many years, and the NARKO-NE Association is starting the implementation of the program in
Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first time.
Although there are many undeniable reasons for applying preventive policies and
interventions in the workplace, many companies/organizations are still not inclined to apply
such interventions. The main reason for hesitation and the main obstacle to implementation
is the stigma associated with the problem. In many cultures, the use of alcohol and other
psychoactive substances are considered moral failing or are viewed primarily from a legal
and safety perspective. The costs of implementing a preventive intervention, the fact that the
use of psychoactive substances is considered a personal, private matter, and not a problem
to be solved by the employer, can also be obstacles to the implementation of the intervention
in the workplace.
Comprehensive preventive policies in the work environment are usually focused on: work
environment, social interaction and collegial support, and individual use of psychoactive
substances. Interventions are aimed at employees and company’s management.
What does the company gain by participating in the Program?
– healthy and safe working conditions
– increased productivity and reduced costs
– a positive image
– a better working atmosphere
Program structure:
– forming the Management Group of the company that will implement the Program and hold
three meetings with the Program managers
– training for employees on workplace addiction prevention (1.5 days)
– information and training of interns (if necessary)
The program lasts for one year and is free of charge, and the companies/institutions
implement the program will be provided with informative and educational materials (a manual
for work and implementation of the program), as well as continuous counseling and
monitoring through a minimum of four meetings by an external expert.
The basic criteria for participation in the Program are that the company/institution has a
minimum of 30 employees, including management and that the employees are willing to
participate in the Program. To participate in the Program, it is necessary to fill out an online
Association for prevention of addiction NARKO-NE
Hermanna Gmeinera 13 and 16 (head office
Zagrebačka 18)
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina