
Let's grow Up together

Let’s Grow Up together is an educational program for promoting health and personal
development of children from 1st to 4th grade. Let’s Grow Up together is based on the
approach of enhancing life skills (which can also be described as personal development),
meaning that children’s social and personal skills are strengthened. Confident children, who
have a positive attitude towards themselves and their sbilities, who have learned to resolve
conflicts through negotiation, who can correctly assess and verbalize their feelings and
needs and who are capable of resisting negative peer pressure, can face life’s challenges
more strongly and confidently and consciously choose a healthy lifestyle. Life skills programs
have proven to be a particularly successful approach to health promotion and preventive
work in schools. They form the basis for various specific areas of prevention, such as the
addiction prevention, violence prevention, stress or the media influence.
The program consists of seven interactive workshops for each school year from 1st to 4th
grade, conducted by teachers as part of the regular school curriculum. By applying the Let’s
Grow Up Together program, teachers can improve classroom processes and dynamics,
strengthen cohesion among students, which will contribute to creating more comfortable
classroom environment for students.
Self-awareness and empathy are developed through the program; communication and
interpersonal relations; coping with stress and unpleasant emotions; problem-solving and
decision-making; and creative and critical thinking.

The NARKO-NE Association implements the Let’s Grow Up Together program in elementary
schools in Sarajevo Canton:

Saburina Elementary School
Vrhbosna Elemenary School
Anex Elementary School
Hrasno Elementary School
Šip Elemenatry School
Second Elementary School, Hrasnica
Mustafa Busuladžić Elementary School
Osman Nuri Hadžić Elementary School
Mirsad Prnjavorac, Elemenatary school, Vogošća
Aleksa Šantić Elementary School
6 th March Elementary School, Hadžići