
Guiding Stars Start a New Volunteer Year 

On Thursday, September 25, 2024, a training session was held for the new cycle of the Guiding Stars program, which begins its activities in October. This year, 14 volunteers from the previous cycle continue to serve as guiding stars, and they are joined by seven new enthusiastic young people.  The

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Successful Completion of the Guiding Stars Cycle

From October 2023 to June 2024, 24 volunteers served as Guiding Stars, volunteering in five primary schools, three high schools, and at the Educational Center of the Sarajevo Canton. In the primary schools, volunteers provided learning support to more than 20 students who needed it, contributing to literacy and the

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Trainers for the Program Who Actually Wins?

Who Actually Wins? is a licensed prevention program aimed at preventing youth involvement in gambling. The Association for Addiction Prevention NARKO-NE, with the support of the Institute for Development of Youth KULT, has obtained the license to implement the program in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Educational-Rehabilitation Faculty of the

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Zajedničkim snagama svi možemo biti pobjednici

Iako je primarni fokus preventivnog programa Ko zapravo pobjeđuje? rad sa srednjoškolcima, za efikasnu prevenciju potrebno je uključiti cijelu zajednicu. U nizu preventivnih aktivnosti na ovu temu, Udruženje za prevenciju ovisnosti NARKO-NE je 28.2. u Gradačcu u MSŠ Hasan Kikić i 5.3. u Srednjoj ekonomskoj školi u Sarajevu održalo okrugle

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